
Hi, my name is Jenny Jones and I am an Ofsted Registered Childminder (and mum of 2 grown up sons) in Nailsea, North Somerset, who has before and after school vacancies for school aged children who attend Golden Valley School.

Would you like your child cared for by a professionally qualified childminder in a warm, caring family home? If so, then give me a ring on 01275 541057 or 07879 423013 or send me an e-mail.

My Ofsted Inspector says that I “help children make a positive contribution” –

“Children benefit from the childminder’s commitment to ensure inclusion for all children through close working with parents and local schools to clearly identify, understand and sensitively meet each child’s individual needs, to ensure they receive the best possible care. Displays of children’s own work, photographs of themselves and others at the childminder’s and in the local paper and the celebration of their birthdays with a home-made cake promotes a strong sense of belonging and being valued. The childminder knows the children well and her calm, consistent and clear approach using effective strategies helps children understand what is expected of them, whilst balancing their individual needs. Children’s self-esteem is nurtured through frequent praise and encouragement; consequently children’s behaviour is excellent and they are very respectful of each other.”

A full copy of my Ofsted report can be found on the Ofsted website, using my reference number 961150.